
Corporate Governance

>>Policies and Regulations

Disclosure Policy

Please click here to view Disclosure Policy.

Dividend Policy

In accordance with Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Markets Law and the relevant regulation, while the financial position and profitability of the Company and general economic conjuncture is taken into consideration, distribution of the distributable net profit if any, in an extent that shall not affect the capital structure and work plan of the partnership via dividends in cash and/or bonus shares shall be submitted for the approval of General Shareholders' Meeting.

By taking into consideration of the capital requirements of our Company, our affiliates and subsidiaries, our investment and financing policies, profitability and cash position, minimum 5% of distributable profit calculated under Capital Markets Board regulations shall be distributed in cash.

In case of profit generation, it is targeted that the distribution would be made within no later than three months following the General Assembly meeting; and the General Assembly is authorized to resolve on the date of final dividend distribution. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors if authorized, may resolve to distribute the dividend in installments in accordance with the capital market arrangements.

Donation and Aid Policy

Please click here to view Policy of Claims.

Human Resource Policy

Egeli & Co. Investment Holding adopted as principle management of the human resources, being its highest capital and basis of its success, according to the international standards. Egeli & Co. Investment Holding, progressively following up contemporary implementations in the human resources management and aiming at implementing in the most consistent manner with the culture of the company, works in consultation with the consulting firms specialized on the relevant fields with regard to the matters of recruitment, training and development, career management, performance assessment.


The company adopted the principle of “equal opportunity for everyone” in recruitment. Egeli & Co. Investment Holding, abstaining from stating discriminating expressions or qualifications such as age or sex in the announcements of vacation, maintains this attitude at all the stages of recruitment and elects the most appropriate candidate for the position based on the objective criteria.

The Company always carefully examines the knowledge and goals of the candidates and makes certain that are in harmony with position’s career path and skill.Egeli & Co. Investment Holding keeps its door open for anyone, having invested in occupational and personal improvement, being highly motivated, dynamic and open for improvements and innovations and believing in the team spirit.

Training and Improvement

Egeli & Co. Investment Holding pays utmost attention to occupational and personal improvements of the human resources and therefore continuously makes investment in its human resources. Many different ways such as individual demands, executives’ observances, performance assessment negotiation results, assessment center studies are followed in determination of the needs of the employees for improvement. Taking all the results into consideration, annual improvement plan is prepared and closely monitored for each employee.

Performance Management System

A systematic study is carried out throughout the year in order to evaluate the performance objectively and reward the success. The company prepares an individual performance report for each Egeli & Co. Investment Holding employee, including annual targets and necessary competence for the relevant position, according to the company’s targets. Performance of the employee is followed up throughout the year and performance evaluation negotiations are held in January each year.

Career Management

Job definitions, necessary competence, criteria for success and career plans are defined for all the positions in Egeli & Co. Investment Holding. Direction and development activities required for improvement of the employee according to the career plan are governed and followed up by the human resources. 

Institutional Memory and Knowledge Sharing

A systematic study is carried out in order to pass the experience, knowledge and corporate culture to the new participants. The Company plans and executes comprehensive educations for transferring institutional memory to the new generation managers and the Company supports information sharing. The Company determines the candidates and executes training and development activities to new personnel for their new mission in order to avoid disruption caused by reorganization of managers.

Employee Satisfaction and Respect for Human Rights

The Company adopts as principle of mutual love, respect and understanding in all the studies carried out under the umbrella of the Company.

Necessary measures are taken to prevent discrimination between the employees on the basis of race, religion, language, age, physical disability and the like, respect for human rights and to protect the employees against physical, sexual, mental or emotional mobbing. Ethics rules are followed by audit committee. 

Code of Ethics

EGCYH Code of Ethics is binding for anyone connected to the Company including Board of Directors Members.

Please click here to view Code of Ethics.

Remuneration Policy

Please click here to view Remuneration Policy.

Policy of Claims

Please click here to view Policy of Claims.

Internal Directive

Please click here to view Internal Directive